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4AM cuts Dota 2 veteran Sylar after just 24 hours to sign Eurus

Dota 2 veteran Liu "Sylar" Jiajun seemed to be poised for an excellent 2020-2021 season with a new team. That lasted for just 24 hours.

One day after announcing its inaugural Dota 2 lineup, Four Angry Men has dropped its carry player. This comes after other players on the lineup took a pay cut in order to cover the transfer fee of previously rumored carry player Zhang "Eurus" Chengjun.

As a result of the move, 4AM’s Dota 2 roster will consist of the following players:

  1. Zhang "Eurus" Chengjun
  2. Lu "Somnus丶M" Yao
  3. Zhou "Yang" Haiyang
  4. Xu "fy" Linsen
  5. Ru "RedPanda" Zhihao

Eurus was previously rumored to be a member of 4AM’s Dota 2 roster, but fans were surprised to learn that the organization had opted for Sylar instead. Sylar is proven in the carry role, best known for numerous strong placements at The International with top Chinese teams. He most recently played for EHOME, and helped the team notch a solid 2020 despite dealing with a number of issues.

Despite this, Eurus is widely regarded as the best carry player in all of China. Eurus has anchored Vici Gaming for years now and helped the team reestablish itself as an elite organization after a sharp decline. 

Though his split from Vici Gaming hasn’t been officially confirmed by the organization, the team doesn’t seem to expect him back. Vici Gaming signed Fnatic’s Nuengnara "23savage" Teeramahanon as its new carry player, and even added another substitute for him while visa issues are settled.

Regardless of Eurus’ status, this is an unfortunate turn of events for Sylar. Being picked up and dropped by an organization within 24 hours is treatment unbecoming of a highly accomplished player, and for many it reflects poorly on 4AM.

Four Angry Men Dota 2 team is Chinese all-star squad

Should the addition of Eurus be made official, this will complete arguably the greatest Chinese all-star lineup since 2014's Newbee. Alongside Eurus, Yang has been a star for Vici Gaming with his off lane prowess helping to rebuild the organization.

Alongside the Vici Gaming duo are two players from PSG.LGD in fy and Somnus. Somnus has been LGD’s starting mid laner since 2015 and fy joined in 2017 after five years with the Vici Gaming organization. All four have a strong case for being the best in the world at their respective positions.

Rounding out the lineup is hot upstart RedPanda. Though he is a relatively new name next to these more established stars, RedPanda has been integral to Sparking Arrow Gaming’s breakout year in 2020. Despite being an almost completely unknown team, SAG has been very successful in online leagues at all levels.

The lineup is an exciting one, but no debut date has been announced. Fans will be looking to see if 4AM can live up to the team’s potential or if this poor first impression is a sign of things to come.